Homecoming & Ministries Fair: Sunday, Sept. 8

All are welcome to the celebratory Homecoming Sunday featuring: Ministries Fair, fellowship, food truck, snow cones, and our juggler friends!
If you’re a newcomer, this is a great time to make new friends and learn about opportunities to become more involved. If you’ve fallen out of the habit of coming to Sunday worship, this is a great time to begin again. Bring a friend and join in the fun!
Homecoming schedule:
8am Holy Eucharist Rite I
9-10am, 11:30am Ministries Fair, Kinsolving Parish Hall
10:15am Holy Eucharist Rite II
11:30am Homecoming Celebration, Lawn & Kinsolving Parish Hall
Many thanks to 2024 Homecoming Chairpersons Allan & Phyllis Myers and Co-Chairpersons Tim Gleisner & Ellie Chubb.
FREE parking at All Saints’. Additional parking available in the parking garage at University & 27th St.