Ladies’ Night Out: Nov. 14

Namaste: Please join us for Ladies’ Night Out on Thursday, November 14, 2024, for dinner and fellowship from 5:45 – 7:45 pm. The Women’s Group will treat a few appetizers or desserts to share.
We will be at Troy (Mediterranean Cafe), 8105 A Mesa Drive. It is at the corner of Mesa and Spicewood Springs Rd. Yes! it is in the parking lot of the Valero service station.
We need an accurate count for the reservation, so please RSVP to Shirley Arend by email. We start a little early because of a later meeting that night of All Saints’ Creation Care Ministry. The restaurant manager tells me they will give separate checks. Please forward to others who might be interested.
Let me know dates in early December and restaurants you recommend. Also, if convenient, let me know your address so I will have a better idea of the travel area of those attending.
Shirley Arend
[email protected]