Living Responsibly with the Virus

Dear Saints,

We are pleased to present to you the Living Responsibly with the Virus plan. It was thoughtfully generated in conversation with key leaders and staff who participated in the creation of our Covid-19 protocols in 2020. The Living Responsibly with the Virus plan was approved by the Vestry at the February 19, 2022 Vestry Retreat.

The plan will go into effect on Transfiguration Sunday, February 27, 2022. It will provide a consistent way to worship while living with the virus. It also opens the church campus and gives a “green light” for ministries to gather in ways that work for them.

We ask that everyone remain patient and respectful as we move into the future together. We will be rusty at doing some things. We will discover systems that we need to put in place or re-think. It is all part of the process.

So, let us rejoice that we are here to do it, carrying forth the mission and ministry of All Saints’. Please contact us directly or through the church office if you have questions.

It is a joy to minister alongside of you in our roles of Rector and Senior Warden.

God’s Peace,

The Rev. Genevieve Razim, Rector
Mr. Matthew Davis, Senior Warden

Living Responsibly with the Virus: Changes in All Saints’ Covid-19 Safety Protocols

We give thanks for all who have worked to protect the health of others and themselves during the pandemic — globally, nationally, locally, and in our church. We give thanks for Interim Rector, The Rev. Lane Hensley, Vestry members, and all who created All Saints’ COVID-19 protocols, put them and necessary items into place, and all who followed the protocols. All Saints’ has been safe and well. Thanks be to God!

Two years later, we are in a different place with the virus because of vaccinations and knowing how the virus spreads. Also, more effective masks are available to the public and are easily obtained.

Because of this, modifications to our COVID-19 Safety Protocols will take place beginning Transfiguration Sunday, February 27, 2022. The modifications are:

  • A consistent way to worship. We will no longer have different protocols for different levels of the Austin Health Risk Stages for Individuals.
    • We will continue to wear masks.
    • We will sing.
    • All pews will be open for seating.
    • Communion will be distributed from the chancel step at the front of the nave.
    • Communion in one kind (bread) will continue. Wine will be re-introduced at a later date.
    • Live-stream worship will continue.

Be reassured: The All Saints’ church building’s central heating/cooling system exchanges the air within the building 10 times per hour, as calculated by the engineer of record; the industry-recommended airflow range to reduce COVID transmission is 6-10 times per hour. Adding higher efficiency HEPA filters reduced the air exchange slightly, but it is still well within the standards for outside air.

  • The campus is open for those who want to gather in person for fellowship, meetings, classes, and ministries.
    • Individual groups may decide together their level of comfort and risk as they meet. For example, in groups where everyone is vaccinated, they may choose not to wear masks during their meeting. Another example, a group may choose to gather in a hybrid in-person and zoom meeting.
    • When appropriate, windows and doors in Gregg House may be opened to increase fresh air in Masterson Library, Kinsolving Hall, Chapel of the Holy Spirit, offices, and classrooms. Safeguarding policies remain in effect.
    • Outdoor spaces are available for meeting and gathering: South Lawn, Bennett Garden, and the Porch on 27th Street.
    • Groups must contact the church office in advance to reserve your meeting space and get on the church calendar.
    • When promoting an event, clearly state if there is an outdoor or zoom option. Carry out the event as advertised.

Living responsibly with the virus still includes:

  • Respecting different levels of risk tolerance and accommodating those who are immunocompromised.
  • Receiving vaccinations and boosters.
  • Washing hands.
  • Staying home if you feel ill or have been exposed to someone with the virus.
  • If you test positive, quarantine, and inform those whom you may have exposed.