Loaves & Fishes: Love in Action

“Conversation with others across difference is not just a nice thing to do. It is a spiritual practice of love in action.” —Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Inspired by the recent Bailey Lecture by Sam Wells, and a sermon by our Rector, a new listening and sharing is happening during Loaves & Fishes. Because many of our guests arrive early to make sure they receive assistance, usually hours before we open at 9:30 a.m., there is much time spent waiting. This is an opportunity to listen and be with our Loaves & Fishes guests.

Volunteers approach small groups sitting at the picnic benches and invite them into a conversation circle. Carol Brookhart is particularly gifted in this ministry as are Diane Owens, Mary Coppinger, Arthur Callahan, and Lila Luce. Often their invitation is met by puzzled looks, but interest is piqued.

It is explained that the invitation is to a structured way of sharing, centered on four questions. These questions come from the Episcopal Church’s “From Many, One: Conversations Across Difference” Guide:

  • What do you love?
  • What have you lost?
  • Where does it hurt?
  • What do you dream?

If there is interest, they all spend time reflecting and writing down their responses. Guests are encouraged to share within their own comfort level.

The questions inspire the breadth and depth of experience, but of the four questions, “What have you lost?”brings a special poignancy. Through the sharing of different kinds of loss and empathizing with one another’s experience, a bit of beauty emerges when each person realizes that they are not alone in their feelings.

Thank you for your steadfast support of the Loaves & Fishes Ministry. As this story reveals, we are caring for our guests: body, mind, and soul. It is an honor to serve them each week on behalf of the parish and in the name of our loving God.

We encourage you to come and experience this gift any Tuesday from 9:30-10:30. Contact Mimi Parris at [email protected].