Poinsettia Dedications by Dec. 19

Do not miss your opportunity to dedicate poinsettias for our Christmas worship services. You may dedicate in memory, in honor, or thanksgiving of someone special this Christmas.

Contribute through our website by clicking “GIVE” in the upper right corner of the homepage. Then select the fund “Christmas Flowers”. If you have any questions about donating please contact Mona Myers at 512-476-2140.

You may also donate by filling out a form available on Sunday mornings which also has dedication opportunities for “in memory of” or “in thanksgiving for”. Cost for poinsettias this year is $40, although a donation of any amount is appreciated. Please note “Christmas Flowers” on your check, and submit it with your form. You may place it in the alms basin or return it to Mona Myers in the church office by December 19.

Our poinsettias are ordered from Down Home Ranch, whose mission is to empower the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through social, educational, residential and vocational opportunities.

Click on this form to make your dedication online.