Seminary Sunday Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Ben King

All Saints’ celebrates Seminary Sunday on Oct. 13 with guest preacher The Rev. Dr. Ben King at the 8 and 10:15 a.m. services. We are richly blessed by our relationship with Seminary of the Southwest where Dr. King serves as Duncalf-Villavoso Professor of Church History.
Seminary of the Southwest’s first classes were held in All Saints’ Gregg House prior to the founding of their campus nearby on E. 32nd Street. All Saints’ continues our tradition in the love and nurture of students by participating in the seminary’s field placement program, providing practical parish experience to seminarians.
Ben and his family have made All Saints’ their church home and the two oldest children are acolytes. Ben is married to The Rev. Leyla King, the Canon for Mission in Small Congregations in the Diocese of West Texas.
What a joy to have the Kings with us every Sunday and on Seminary Sunday!