Stewardship Pledges Ingathering on Loyalty Sunday: Nov. 10

Our 2025 Stewardship campaign “Walk in Love” runs through Nov. 10, Loyalty Sunday, when all of our pledges are blessed at the altar.
Your pledges support the mission and ministry of All Saints’ year-round. Thank you for walking in Christ’s love. It makes a difference.
Prayerfully consider this year’s stewardship materials along with the stewardship testimonials you will hear in worship. Complete and submit your electronic or paper pledge by clicking “send” or placing the paper version in the offertory plate at church, the US mail, or by bringing it to the church office.
“Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself for us, an offering and sacrifice to God.” —Ephesians 5:2
Questions? Contact The Rev. Genevieve Razim [email protected]