Stewardship Update: we still need your participation

Dear Saints,
It is with a grateful heart that I share with you our “Walk in Love” 2025 Stewardship update. We have strong momentum following the Sunday testimonials given by Tim Irvine, Lana Placek, Addie Johnson, and Joey Etheredge. The campaign culminated on the glorious Sunday of Nov. 10 with baptisms, confirmations, a fine sermon by Bishop Ryan, inspired music, and the ingathering of stewardship pledges.
With that said, if you haven’t yet pledged, we still need your participation.
Your Vestry is in the process of preparing the ministry budget for 2025 and expects to finalize it at their meeting on December 16. Your pledges direct how we create a balanced budget in 2025. To date, we have received 107 pledges totaling $629,015. For comparison, by end-of-year 2023, we received 162 pledges totaling $758,000.
We have an exciting 125th anniversary year ahead of us with special opportunities to “walk in love” serving our community and celebrating together. I couldn’t be more pleased to share that Heather Powell (The Rev. Armistead & Virginia Powell’s daughter) and Alice Nezzer (The Rev. Phil & Lucy Nazro’s daughter) are Co-Chairs of our anniversary events! It is my hope and prayer that we will all make a commitment to support All Saints’ mission and ministry for this coming festive year.
Make your pledge HERE or fill out a pledge card at church and place it in the offering plate. I just returned from the post office today (11/15) where I mailed follow-up letters to those who have not yet pledged. For your convenience, the letter contains a pledge card and return envelope.
If you have any questions or would like to talk with me before making a pledge, please let me know. I’d be pleased to visit with you. If your pledge card crossed this message in the mail, please accept my gratitude!
Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. I look forward to the ways we will walk in love in 2025!
Yours in Christ,
The Rev. Genevieve Razim, Rector