The Texas Episcopalian: 2023 in Review

Check your postbox for The Texas Episcopalian: 2023 in Review!
All Saints’ is featured on page 204 for the Jones/Daniels window panel dedication in February 2023. Bishop Doyle’s letter (p. 8-9) includes this encouraging metric: 68 churches in our diocese realized growth. All Saints’ is one of those churches!
Also of special interest is the Creation Care update found on pages 219-221.
Enjoy reading The Texas Episcopalian and learning about what’s happening our diocese which now reaches from the Gulf Coast to the Red River. And as Bishop Doyle wrote (p. 9), “…I believe it is not the work or our accomplishments that are the offerings that lie between these pages, rather it is you, the people of God who have been so moved by God’s compassion and love to act on God’s behalf towards one another, your neighbors, and beyond.”
A copy of The Texas Episcopalian: 2023 in Review is available in the church office for viewing. You can always see what is happening in our diocese by visiting