12 events found.
Book Group/Hybrid Masterson Library & Zoom
Once a month, usually the third Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. Contact Wini Wood at [email protected] for more information and zoom link.
Contemplative Prayer/Chapel of the Holy Spirit
Contemplative Prayer* meets every Saturday, 11AM to 11:20AM in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (corner of University Ave and West 27th). Contemplative Prayer is a form of "silent" or "listening" prayer. No prior experience is necessary; only your willingness to sit together in silence for 20 minutes. Please email me so I can email you when I …
Lectionary Study Group/Masterson Library Zoom Hybrid
(Ministry)-Web Resources-Online-AdultsFor more information contact Anne Province [email protected] or Arthur Callahan [email protected] link: https://ssw.zoom.us/j/81823843536?pwd=NWxjNHhMNVZXZ1lDQmhrb09OUGVIdz09
Holy Eucharist, Rite II & Choir/Church & Live Stream (Nursery available 8:45am-Noon)
Go to website www.allsaints-austin.org/worship for more information and LiveStream link.