Encouragement from the 2025 Stewardship Committee

Dear Saints,
Jesus makes it clear that God doesn’t seek our money (Matthew 5-7, 19:24, 22:21). What God desires is our worship, our connection to His presence, and our willingness to share Christ’s love through the Holy Spirit.
Many of us support causes dear to us – political campaigns, alma maters, disaster relief, and environmental groups. The Church is among these, but it’s distinct. Beyond being the home of our faith’s mystical and embodied practices; the Church operates differently, relying solely on parishioners’ generosity. Unlike many organizations funded by grants or foundations, All Saints’ depends entirely on heartfelt contributions from its members.
Practically speaking, each year, the Vestry and Rector build a budget based on pledged donations. While gifts are welcome year-round, the pledge drive helps provide a vital estimate of income, which allows us to plan our ministries.
What funds our clergy, staff, youth programs, outreach efforts, and even the upkeep of our buildings? Pledge money. From candles and flowers to our music program, utilities, broadcasting equipment and communication tools – it’s all made possible through the faithful generosity of our parishioners.
When we think of our collective life in the church, we think of community, connection, meaning, and, above all, the sacred place where we gather together to directly encounter the transcendence of our loving and patient God. It is in our church community that we share our greatest joys and find comfort in our deepest griefs. Our pledges maintain this sacred and beloved space.
Prayerfully consider joining us in making a new pledge to All Saints’: our gifts are essential to the advancement of our parish’s mission and purpose.
Faithfully yours,
The 2025 Stewardship Committee:
Mary Ann Corbett
Ana Dison
Ginny Garrard
Rich Ketcham
Charles Stuart
Joey Etheredge, Chair