
Adult Christian Formation

Lectionary Study Group

Bailey Lecture Series

Annual 3-day lecture series featuring well-known speakers. This series is free and open to the public. The Bishop Scott Field Bailey Lecture is an endowed lecture series established in 1986 by O.V. Bennett, Jr. to honor Bishop Bailey (d. 2005).

Book Group

All Saints’ Book Group meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:30 p.m. in Masterson Library. Contact [email protected]. for more information and online link. To view the list of books read by the All Saints’ Book Group, click here Book Group Cumulative List

October 15 James by Percival Everett
November 19 The Light Eaters by Zoe Schlanger
January 21 Once Upon a Wardrobe by Patti Callahan
February 18 Lady Tans Circle of Women by Lisa See
March 25 Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
April 22 The Women by Kristin Hannah
May 20 The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee

Centering Prayer

Centering Prayer meets every Saturday, 11:00am to 11:20am in the Chapel of the Holy Spirit (corner of University Ave and West 27th). (Centering Prayer is a form of “silent” or “listening” prayer. No prior experience is necessary; only your willingness to sit together in silence for 20 minutes.) Please email me with “CP” in the subject line, so I can email you when I am occasionally absent: [email protected]


All Saints’ Creation Care Ministry

The Creation Care Ministry first convened in June 2024. Drawing on the interests of its members, the Ministry focuses on environmental education and practical actions that benefit the parish, the community, and God’s creation. Hannah Ritchie’s 2024 book, Not the End of the World, was the subject of a book study led by Anne Province that sparked the group’s formation.

In 2024 we:

  • Held a wildflower seedball-making event and distributed free City of Austin water-conservation and gardening supplies at All Saints’ Ministries Fair.
  • Arranged “Subsidize to Decarbonize,” a slide presentation at the Adult Forum by David Hogan, a parishioner at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church and Sierra Club volunteer, on how to take advantage of the generous federal subsidies available to homeowners (and parishes!) for energy-efficient appliances, solar installation, building electrification, and electric vehicles.
  • Connected with and saw All Saints’ acolytes volunteer at NeighborWoods Tree Adoption events.

The Creation Care Ministry usually meets via Zoom the second Thursday of the month at 7:30p.m. Members share leadership roles, and the time commitment varies depending on their interests and time available. Anyone, regardless of how much time they can offer, is very welcome. Contact Merry or Carolyn for information, to share ideas, or get the meeting link.

Contacts: Carolyn Croom [email protected]
Merry Wheaton [email protected]

Daughters of the King

Founded in 1885, The Order of the Daughters of the King is an order of women who are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, each Daughter takes a lifetime vow to live by the Rule of the Order. Our Rule of Life and our vision of the Daughters of the King is to know Jesus Christ, to make Him known to others, and to become reflections of God’s love throughout the world. A Daughter pledges herself to a life of prayer, service and evangelism, and she is dedicated to the spreading of Christ’s Kingdom and the strengthening of the spiritual life of her parish.

The Order of the Daughters of the King meets every third Sunday (11:30am) in Masterson Library located in Gregg Parish House. We invite all women of the parish to come as our guests.

Daughters of the King St. Catherine’s Chapter current officers are:
Susie Mallett, President
Patti Woolery-Price, Vice President
Nanci Felice, Treasurer
Vivien Geneser, Secretary
Lana Laird Placek, Coordinator for Prayer Requests

For more information and Zoom link, contact Diane Owens at [email protected]Prayer requests can be made here.

Hospitality: Heavenly Hosts

Heavenly Hosts Chairs:

Ruth Ann Lostracco [email protected]
(H) 512-474-5228; (C) 512-415-5228

Patti Woolery-Price [email protected]
(H) 512-476-7643; (C) 512-968-5800

Bettie Pollan [email protected]
(H) 512-454-6198

Heavenly Hosts is All Saints’ lay hospitality ministry whose mission is to be a welcoming and gracious presence to all who enter our doors for both celebratory and funeral receptions. Its main purpose is to involve parishioners in the preparation and staffing of these receptions and is comprised of approximately 40 volunteers who help with setup, food preparation, serving, and cleanup.

St. Clare’s Guild

We are a guild of needle workers who meet the third Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Masterson Library in conjunction with St. Monica’s Guild. We knit, crochet, tat and sew to create prayer shawls, scarves, baptismal blankets, confirmand crosses, prayer monkeys, which are then presented at designated services for a special blessing. Folks also work on personal projects and enjoy the time chatting or seeking guidance on their art form. We welcome all who wish to participate in doing this work and will gladly help those who want to learn the fine art of needlework. Offers of yarn for blankets and fleece batting for stuffing sock monkeys are appreciated. Contact Sarah Peet at [email protected] for questions about projects.

To get on the reminder list for meetings and Zoom link, contact [email protected]

St. Monica’s Guild

This is a sewing group (hand or machine) that meets to work on personal projects or group endeavors and meet the third Saturday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to noon in Masterson Library in conjunction with St. Clare’s Guild. As quilts are completed they are blessed at the Altar during a Sunday worship service, and are then given to a charitable organization for distribution. Over the years, these have gone to Dell Children’s Hospital, Breast Cancer Resource Center, Helping Hand Home, SAFE, Jeremiah Project and more. If you are interested in this ministry, contact Wini Wood at [email protected] for more information or the Zoom link.

St. Monica’s recently completed quilts for two different receiving groups. Ten quilts are going to a newly opening therapeutic non-profit care home for children in the Lubbock, TX area. This new facility is designed for the needs of children from Child Protective Services aged six to eighteen.

Twenty one quilts are for the Austin Chapter of Jeremiah Project. This is a supportive housing program for single mothers and their children as they work on their personal plan to increase level of education for greater financial independence.

No experience is required, just the desire to help. You don’t sew, but like geometry and color? Come help cut with a straight edge and rotary cutter. We’ll find a way for you to participate. Previous projects have included no sew fleece blankets for distribution to homeless individuals, pillow case dresses for children living in orphanages in Africa. Bringing your own project to work on is welcome. Need coaching on a new or difficult project? Someone will have an idea.

We appreciate offers of cotton/high percentage cotton fabrics, thread, large remnants of flannel, fleece; maybe something else. Please email Wini [email protected] to discuss what you may have that needs a new home.

St. Lucy’s Guild

(Contact Patti Woolery-Price)
We send handmade cards to homebound parishioners and others needing a kind word, and Kairos Ministry for women prisoners in Lockhart. All talents are welcome! For more information contact Patti Woolery-Price at [email protected]

Women’s Group/Ladies’ Night Out

Ladies’ Night Out is back with 2024 dates to follow. For more information, contact Shirley Arend [email protected] or 512-560-0215.