Vestry Role Description

Vestry Member Position Description
The Vestry is the guiding council of All Saints Episcopal Church. In addition to transacting the temporal business of the church, the vestry works with the Rector and the Bishop to lead the congregation in the ministries of the church. Following the model of servant leadership, each member of the vestry is responsible for the effectiveness of our ministries, shaping and guiding them for the growth of the people of the congregation, and for our mission to the community beyond our walls. Members of the Vestry are also committed to personal growth as leaders and to ministering to one another in Christian community.
Vestry members serve a three-year term beginning and ending at an Annual Parish Meeting on the last Sunday of January, with the terms staggered so that each year at least one-third of the members are replaced. Vacancies can be filled by the Vestry itself until the next parish election.
Meeting Times and Location
Vestry meetings are held on the third Monday of each month at 7 p.m.Annual Vestry events include the following, and attendance by Vestry members is strongly urged:
- New Vestry Orientation
- Convocations (gatherings of the full congregation)
- Annual Parish Election
- Annual Parish Meeting (first Monday in January “or as soon thereafter as convenient”)
- Vestry Retreat
- Newly elected vestry members are strongly encouraged to attend the November and December meetings as observers before formally joining as members in the new year.
Ministry Leadership
After consulting with the individual Vestry members about their gifts and interests, the Vestry jointly appoints each Vestry member as a liaison for one major area of ministry. The Vestry liaison normally is not the chair of the committee but may be. This is not intended to be a hierarchical structure: The liaisons are not “in charge” of the ministries they represent, but help facilitate the work of ministry, including communication among constituent groups. The vestry are also encouraged to take an interest in all ministries and activities of the church and not limited to just the area on which they are asked to focus.
New Vestry members are nominated based on many factors, including their perceived strengths, experience in and knowledge of areas in which openings are being created by the ending of some members’ terms, or which are not currently well represented.
Eligibility requirements for Vestry service are as follows:
- 18 or more years of age
- an enrolled communicant in good standing – meaning
- a regular contributor of record
- No person shall serve as member of the Vestry until he or she shall have subscribed to the following declaration: “I am persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain all doctrine required as necessary for eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ; and I accede to the Doctrine, Discipline, and Worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church.”
- is enrolled in the records of the Parish
- has been confirmed by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church or a Bishop of a Church in communion with the Episcopal Church or has been received into the Episcopal Church by a Bishop of the Episcopal Church
- “has been faithful in corporate worship, unless for good cause prevented, and has been faithful in working, praying, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God.”
Candidates for Vestry should be women and men of prayer, with gifts for ministry leadership. Those gifts are not the same for each person and can be discerned together with the Rector or other parish leaders. Candidates should have a passion for the mission and ministry of All Saints and be known and trusted in the parish.
The Vestry Nominating Committee considers the following factors in selecting its slate of nominees:
- A mixture of long-time members and relative newcomers is desirable, including those who have demonstrated effective Vestry leadership in the past.
- Prior leadership outside of All Saints is good evidence of leadership potential.
- Insofar as it is possible, the composition of the Vestry should reflect the diversity of the congregation as that pertains to gender, age, economic advantage, sexual orientation, ethnicity, full-time vs. seasonal residence, and preferences in worship time and style.
- Vestry members should be willing to commit to exercising leadership in their financial support of the parish by making and honoring pledges and by committing to make All Saints a substantial financial priority as best that is defined by individual Vestry members.
- Vestry members must be willing to act collegially by their collective action, and to abide by the lawful decisions of the Vestry and the officers of the parish.
- Willingness and ability to communicate electronically is very desirable.
- Vestry service is neither a reward for prior service nor a means by which members might be encouraged to participate more actively in the life of the congregation.
Additional Expectations of Vestry Members
- Vestry members should attend Vestry meetings regularly. In the event that any Vestry Member has been absent/unexcused from three consecutive, regular meetings of the Vestry, the seat of the Vestry Member, with the advice and consent of the Rector, may be declared vacant by the Vestry and a qualified Member of the Parish shall be elected to fill the vacancy.
- Vestry members should be regular in worship and attend public functions of the parish when possible.
- Vestry members should be willing to listen to the hopes and concerns of parishioners and bring those to the full Vestry for open discussion and follow-up.
- The Vestry is a deliberative body. We listen to each other carefully and respectfully. We take action only after everyone has been heard and is persuaded that the decision-making process is fair. Vestry members are not required to agree with all the decisions of the group or to conceal their disagreement, but they are expected to support the group’s decisions and the integrity of the Vestry and its officers.
- Vestry members keep confidentiality when required, and do not engage in gossip.
- Vestry members have a fiduciary responsibility to support the mission, ministry, and purposes of the leadership of All Saints, the Diocese of Texas, and the Episcopal Church.
- Vestry members lead a life worthy of their calling, as described in Ephesians 4, and as promised in our Baptismal Covenant (BCP pp. 304-5).
Standing for Election
Election to the Vestry is governed by Canon I.14 of the Episcopal Church, Canon II of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, and the bylaws and Vestry Procedures of All Saints Episcopal Church.
Members of the Parish may apply directly to the Committee or may recommend third parties to the Chair for consideration. Candidates for the Vestry are asked to submit a photograph and a brief biographical statement for publication. Third party recommendations from Clergy, seated Vestry, staff, and/or family members of potential candidates are appropriate and welcome. The Committee’s action on the recommendation will remain confidential and will not be communicated back to the person making the recommendation.