Core Values

Our Mission

All Saints’ Episcopal Church brings God’s transforming love and compassion to our community and the world through worship, service, and prayer.

Our Vision

All Saints Episcopal Church aspires to demonstrate God’s hope and mercy in the world through ministries of praise, compassion, and justice.

We aspire to respectful inclusion, value a diverse community, and welcome people of all backgrounds, and have begun the hard work of reflection to better include neglected voices. We use our beautiful, historic building and our location on the University of Texas campus to provide a welcoming oasis and comfort to all people, especially those in need.

Our Values

Welcome: Our hearts and minds are open to all. We welcome visitors and hope you will find a new home with us. We embrace both new and existing members of our church who choose to share their gifts by participating in all aspects of church life.

Service: We actively seek opportunities to be of service to others. We believe in outreach to and justice for local, regional, national, and international communities.

Education: We value intellectual curiosity. We provide opportunities for spiritual formation for children of all ages, and all people with inquiring minds and discerning hearts.

Worship: We treasure our liturgical traditions, enhanced by dynamic preaching, biblical scholarship, and inspired music from Anglican and other traditions.

Fellowship: We prioritize the creation of a caring church family who worship, serve and celebrate together. We provide comfort in times of need, shielding mind, body, and spirit. The Holy Spirit unites our diverse community, and through the generosity we express to one another we embody the acceptance God offers each of us.

Conversation: We engage in respectful conversation and ensure different perspectives are heard

History: We cherish our century-long history, and the beauty of our historic chapel. We are honored to be part of a community that has produced generations of leaders. We strive to use the best of our history in our quest for justice and peace.

All Saints’ Statement of Conscience

As members of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, we affirm our support for all people of color and diverse backgrounds. Many of us will never be able to understand the struggles for equality and justice in our nation experienced by our fellow brothers and sisters. We cannot presume to understand the extent of prejudice and injustice they feel every day. As 1 John 4:20 states, “If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.” Our faith and humanity require us to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God,” so our challenge in today’s tumultuous time is to turn these words into action. In this time of pain, fear, and unrest, we commit to listen with an open heart and hear your words, to watch with an open heart and see your pain, and to sustain and support our brothers and sisters with our voices, words, and actions.

We hear you, we see you, we stand with you. We are your allies.