Worship Ministries

Acolyting presents a visible and tangible way that the youth serve the parish as well as a way that they participate in stewardship by offering their time and talent. The acolyte program at All Saint’s is a vital component of our youth ministry. Acolytes rotate among four acolyte roles at the 10:15 a.m. Sunday service. Acolytes have an opportunity to serve as Crucifer/Altar Server, Gospel Server, Gospel Torch, and Epistle Torch. With this approach, we seek to instill in the youth that all roles at the altar are important and that serving your parish when it needs you represents true service.
National Acolyte Festival is a much anticipated annual event and fundraisers are held to subsidize some costs of the trip.
We welcome youth into this joyful act of service.
Patricia Goubil-Gambrell
Altar Guild
The All Saints’ Altar Guild provides the invaluable and sacred service of preparing the altar and church for worship. This includes caring for the accoutrements of worship: from vessels to vestments to furnishings. Altar Guild members are trained for the procedures used in preparing for services in the church and chapel. Teams rotate on Sundays to serve for the week. Contact Cecilia Lynch through the church office.
Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Lay Eucharistic Visitation continues to bless our homebound and hospitalized brothers and sisters. Members of this ministry take consecrated bread and wine to shut-ins or others who are unable to be present for Sunday worship. This is a ministry both necessary and extremely rewarding. Should you or a loved one be home-bound and unable to attend services to receive communion, please contact the church office to request a visit by a Lay Eucharistic Visitor.
Lectors & Chalice Bearers
Lectors and Chalice Bearers are specially trained and licensed members
of the congregation who assist clergy in the liturgy of the church.
Lectors are responsible for preparing for and reading the scripture
lessons, leading the reading of the psalms, and leading the Prayers of
the People. They also assist clergy by bearing chalice (serving the
congregation the wine) during the Sunday services and other special
services at which the Eucharist is celebrated. Lectors and Chalice
Bearers may serve as acolytes and crucifer, and be called upon to assist
clergy during weddings and funerals. Contact
Pamela Bell through the church office.
Usher Corps
The Usher Corps Ministry at All Saints’ is a group of dedicated folks serving at the 10:15 a.m. Sunday service as well as special services and funerals. The corps consists of 10 teams, each with a Team Captain. Usher duties include: distributing Orders of Services and other literature for services, providing the clergy with the number count of those in attendance at each service, controlling the flow of people during communion, and making sure the services run smoothly. The Usher corps invites you to join this practical and social ministry. It’s a great way to serve and to meet new people. For information about becoming an usher, contact David Saenz
The vergers serve in a ceremonial role to assist the clergy during the worship service, particularly with any logistical details. At times, the verger takes on the role of an adult acolyte when needed. If interested in learning more about verging, contact Charlotte Sullivan through the church office.