Creation Care: Youth Propose Butterfly Garden

“And God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth living creatures of every kind…'” Genesis 1:24
Did you know that 90% of all Monarch butterflies migrate across Texas? The Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) of All Saints’ have been thinking about them and other pollinators. To capture the opportunity that spring provides, they created a Butterfly Garden proposal video for our Junior Warden and the Buildings & Grounds committee.
Purpose, cost, and execution were all described in the proposal, along with computer graphic enhancement! One young parishioner expressed the vision,for the butterflies to have a place to hang out and have fun on their migration route.
Junior Warden Michelle Carlson was impressed: “When someone is as impassioned about their project as our youth were in their adorable and persuasive video, it’s easy to give them your full attention and justify funding such a welcoming and beautiful project. I really appreciate how seriously they took this project and how involved they’ve been.”
The garden at the east side of the church lawn has been prepared and flowers are being planted in stages. In the months ahead, be on the look-out for butterflies and caterpillars as the plants grow and flower — in the garden and in Saints Alive. Click HERE to learn more about monarchs and this aspect of God’s creation.
Interested in Episcopal Youth Community? Contact The Rev. Kendrah McDonald [email protected]