Sunday & Wednesday Worship Services
You are warmly invited to worship
Sunday 8am Holy Eucharist Rite One
This quiet, Rite One (traditional, formal language), holy communion service is held in our beautiful church. This service begins in silence and ends with warm greetings among clergy and worshippers. This service typically lasts 45 minutes and is without music. All are welcome at this service and church-seasonal activity bags are available for children at the entrance of the church.
Sunday 10:15am Holy Eucharist (also live-streamed)
This joyful, Rite Two (contemporary language), service is held in our beautiful church. Spirit-lifting organ and choral music enrich this holy communion service. A brief children’s homily is offered prior to the pulpit sermon. Baptisms take place several times a year during this service. All are welcome at this service and church-seasonal activity bags are available for children at the entrance of the church.
Parking on Sundays: is free and available in our lot (enter from Whitis) and on the city streets. Additionally, free overflow parking is available in the UT 27th St. parking garage at University Ave & 27th Street. Bring your ticket to Gregg House (mid-century building behind the Church) for validation.
Stream our services on YouTube using the playlist below. The list is arranged newest to oldest. To watch older videos, click the icon with three horizontal lines in the top right corner of the video player and select a different video.
Sunday 6:30pm Student Worship & Dinner
The Episcopal Student Center located at All Saints’ is the Episcopal ministry hub for all college campuses in Austin. While we are located on the University of Texas campus, students from St. Edward’s, Austin Community College, and other institutions are most welcome. During the academic year, worship is held in Chapel of the Holy Spirit (corner of 27th St. & University) and is followed by dinner generously provided by parishioners of All Saints’ and other local Episcopal parishes.
Wednesday 7:05am Morning Prayer
Begin your day with scripture, psalms, and the beautiful prayers of the Prayer Book while morning sun streams through colorful stained glass. Following Morning Prayer, it is the tradition of those who gather for this service to walk to a neighborhood restaurant for breakfast. You are welcome into this faithful fellowship.
Wednesday 12:05pm Holy Eucharist with Unction
This is a quiet, casual, healing service which includes the sacrament of Unction. Described in the Book of Common Prayer,Unction is the rite of anointing the sick with oil, or the laying on of hands, by which God’s grace is given for the healing of spirit, mind, and body (p. 861). The doors of the church open approximately 15 minutes before service time. Worshippers enter in silence and sit in the chancel, near the altar. This service lasts approximately 30 minutes. Rite One is said on the first Wednesday of the month.