Successful Asset-Mapping Event

Community leaders and friends gathered at All Saints’ on December 7 to identify assets and dream about our future together. Asset-based thinking focuses on strengths, resources, and what we have. What is asset-mapping?

Community leaders toured our campus, learned about our parish, and then named our assets and conceptually connected them to the neighborhood and wider community in new and potentially fruitful ways. We will stay in touch with them and keep the conversation going.

Partners for Sacred Places facilitated the event and will provide All Saints’ with a report in January. That report will be shared at the annual parish meeting on Sunday, January 28th.

A variety of institutions were represented at the event including: Episcopal Health Foundation, El Buen Samaritano, The Butler School of Music, City of Austin, St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, Episcopal Student Center, Scottish Rite Dormitory, Austin Presbyterian Seminary, All Saint’s Day School, Central Texas Interfaith, Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, UT Center for Students in Recovery, Micah 6, and others.

As we pray, listen, and discern how God is calling us into the future with our particular assets and resources, these community relationships and connections will help us to faithfully take the next step forward. Step forward not only in ministry but also in how to renovate our aging facilities and administrative building, Gregg House.

Many thanks to the Asset-Mapping Team who have been at work since August: Natasha Bowen, Tom Davies, Ana Dison, Brian Hopper, The Rev. Genevieve Razim. Thanks also to Vestry and Buildings & Grounds committee members who assisted in various ways at the event: Michelle Carlson, Ginny Garrard, Rich Ketcham, David Saenz, Jane Schotz, Charles Stuart, Charlotte Sullivan, and Bobby Wright.

Questions? Interested and want to know more? Please see the Asset-mapping Team members listed above and The Rev. Genevieve Razim [email protected]