Walking the Mourner’s Path: Transforming Grief Into Joyful Living

The 2024 cohort is forming for this Christ-centered 8-week grief ministry program. Each session is:

  • Centered in prayer — acknowledging God’s healing presence.
  • Carefully crafted — the group works on one concept each week so that participants can work on grief without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Workbook guided — providing a framework for the discussions and explorations.
  • Intentionally small — allowing everyone the opportunity to share.

For 2024, we will offer a daytime Monday program once we reach a minimum number of participants, so program dates will be determined at a later date. The cohort is limited to 10. Registration required and includes an informal conversation to discern readiness for the program.

“Together we can do what I cannot do alone.”

All Saints’ Trained Facilitators: Kay Allensworth, Joe Lostracco, Diane Owens, and The Rev. Genevieve Razim.

Questions? See any of the above facilitators or email: [email protected]